July 3, 2013

The Next Adventure

 For over a year I have worked in downtown Houston, fought the traffic 22 miles both ways, and found a thousand new things to try and do in the city. I've made new friends and gone new places. Living in Houston helped me figure out who I was by myself.

Time to turn the page.

Today I ran a million errands and climbed up and down flights of stairs more times than I can count. At the post office, I changed my mailing address to a zipcode that doesn't belong in Texas for the first time in my life.

For the last time, I turned out of the driveway of my Houston apartment complex and headed up Dairy Ashford.

An enormous part of my life happened in Houston. So much history here, and yet I am more than excited to leave it behind.

Because I have learned to be an adventurer.

 Living in Houston taught me to embrace each phase of life for what it's worth and embrace it to the fullest. When it's time for that phase to end, be excited about the next.

For the last two months, I've been able to see old and new friends one last time before I move away from this state. Knowing I didn't want to look back and think I'd rushed off in a hurry, wasting the remaining time I have in this phase of life with these people, I was careful to cherish my farewells as much as possible. It would be a lie to say I won't miss my family and friends in Texas, because you have all contributed to the richness of my life.

I love all of you and will most certainly miss you.

But I am excited for the next adventure in life. Words fail to describe.

You see, my person is currently six states away from me. And in less than 48 hours, for the first time in the 5+ years we've known each other, we will no longer be "long distance."

Tomorrow morning, bright and early, I will leave my favorite state in the world and drive till I reach the place where the rest of my life changes forever. Behind me, my family and friends and countless, precious memories; in front of me, my person, new friends, and countless, precious memories yet to be made.

Farewell, Texas. Until we meet again.